Welcome to my Design Scheme Assignment!

Press one of the buttons, and the design of the page will change.

The Current Theme is: Brilliant Blue

Basic Web Design Study Guide!

Question: What does html stand for?

Answer: Hyper text markup language

Question: What is a web page editor?

Answer: A program used to write and edit HTML code

Question: What does CSS stand for?

Answer: Cascading Style Sheets

Question: To add a blank line spce in your website, which tag would you use?

Answer: <br>

Question: What is a gradient color?

Answer: how one color fades into another

Question:Which attribute will center your heading in CSS?

Answer: align

Question: What does HREF stand for?

Answer: Hytertext Reference

Question: How can you turn the h1 tag blue as the mouse hovers over it?

Answer: h1:hover{color:blue;}